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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/02/2015
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Genest in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present:     Michael Genest (Chair), Gordon Webber & John Robertson

Staff present:             Donna Hanson (Town Administrator),

Agenda Items:

1.     Mr. Webber moved to approve the Board of Selectmen (BOS) minutes of February 17, 2015; Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0
2.     Fire Chief Marshall Gale gave an update on the fire department. Deputy Fire Chief Eric Phillips and Thomas Beaumont Assistant Fire Chief were introduced. Chief Gale said it has been busy since the first of the year with a mix of calls. He stated the biggest challenge the department has is recruit and retention. He talked about the next engine needed will be in 2018. The department would like to explore the possibility of more dry hydrants in town.
3.     Henry Johnson presented his Eagle Scout Project to the Board of Selectmen for approval. His project is an information kiosk located at Goodell Park. One side of the kiosk will focus on mills built along Great Brook and the other side will tell about some of Goodell’s greatest accomplishments. He also asked for a donation of slate from the town. The project will be completed by the start of Home and Harvest in September. Mr. Webber moved to approve the project and the donation of slate. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
4.      Mr. Webber moved to appoint Marshall Gale deputy emergency management. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
5.     Mr. Genest motioned to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) hiring. employee. Mr. Webber seconded.  Passed 3/0[Marker]
6.     Mr. Genest motioned to come out of non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) hiring. employee. Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0
7.     Mr. Genest moved to seal the minutes of the non-public session. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
8.     After no further business Chairman Genest motioned to adjourn.

      Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM

Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator